Monday, April 8, 2013

A Beautiful Monday and More

Good Monday Morning!  The sun is shining - the air is warm - flowers are blooming and the birds are singing.  It is a beautiful day in Central Arkansas.  I'm taking a short break from my spring cleaning and thinking about what I want to plant this year to write a bit.

So - for an update on More.   I know that Less is the idea that people are pursuing now.  Less stuff - less stress - less waste, etc.  But Less isn't where I need to be.  In January, I set my goals of  Praying More - Volunteering More - Sharing More and Finishing More.  If you read this blog,you know sharing more hasn't happened so let's just skip that one.

Praying More

 I am doing an online book study with Renee Swope, author of "A Confident Heart."  Have you ever read a book where you feel the author is talking about your life in EVERY chapter?  Yes - pretty much - this is it for me.  To do this study requires much prayer and soul-searching - or at least it is for me.  I am also using a wonderful devotional that John bought me for Christmas, Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence.  Each daily entry has 2-3 scripture references that I am spending time with.  Between the two books and the time spent in prayer, I am in a better place than I have been in for a long time.

Finishing More

I am finding time every single day to do a creative thing - sewing, knitting, writing, whatever the day brings.  I was raised believing that no play happened until all the chores were done.  Well heavens - the chores are NEVER all done.  I still struggle with this and I am trying not to feel guilty writing right now, because I have laundry to do and spring cleaning to continue.  I know it is about balance and for me that involves pushing through some guilt to do the things that make me who I am.  So laundry and cleaning can wait a few more minutes while I write and think.

Volunteering More

I have always thought that my volunteering needed to be something with kids or something about missions.  After all - I was an educator for 35 year - I am a Christian.  Surely that's where I am SUPPOSED to volunteer.  I have discovered that volunteering isn't about where you think you SHOULD be volunteering, but rather about where your heart is.  I love to sew and knit and make things and garden and so much more.  I have loved going to Mountain View for 30 years and talking to the artisans and craftsmen and listening to the music.  Thanks to a good friend telling me about the Committee of One Hundred for the Ozark Folk Center and getting me involved, I have found my place.  I am working with a great group of women on the Board, in PR, and on the Committee at large doing things to support ideas and people who are dear to my heart.  Volunteering isn't work at all when you love what you are doing.  (Thanks Carol!!)  Check out our Facebook Page and the Ozark Folk Center State Park website  for more information on some great things that are going on in our state.  (Any hints for managing a Facebook page would be appreciated since I am very new at this.)

Have a great week!

Blessings ~ Letitia