Saturday, November 19, 2011

Anticipating Thanksgiving

Always much anticipated and always passing too quickly - I wish I could extend the week of Thanksgiving just a little longer - especially this year. I have taken the week off and we are going to Georgia. John has to work on Monday and I'll spending Monday gathering stuff up. We are going to rent a U-Haul and take the kids the things they didn't have room for in the initial move last August. With a loaded U-Haul, we are heading out on Tuesday morning. Winder, Georgia is a full-day's drive away and I'll be anxious to arrive. Jenn has to work on Wednesday, so we'll mess around town on Wednesday and then the cooking will start in earnest when Jenn gets home. She has 2 non-Thanksgiving recipes that we are anxious to try on Wednesday and Friday and then of course we have the big Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. I am so excited that Michael gets all of Thanksgiving off so that will be a great day complete with Pillsbury cinnamon rolls, Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and a great dinner. The weekend will be spent talking and laughing and watching Arkansas (hopefully) beat LSU and decorating for Christmas. It is so hard to wait until time to go. We are ending the weekend with a trip north to Nashville on Saturday afternoon to visit Dora Ann and Don. We'll head home on Sunday after a week that will have flown by far too quickly.